Sunday, September 23, 2012

Chicken Tractor

We have about 25 eggs incubating away in the Incubator, and the ones that hatch are destined to fill our freezer this winter. The bad news is I don't have a home for them yet. I cant put them with the older birds because they are just too young to be with those birds, so I have to build something that will keep them safe from predators and yet allow them to be on the pasture.The answer is a small chicken tractor in the likeness of Joel Salatins broiler pens. Just as everything else around here, cost is always an issue. I was able to salvage several 8 foot 2x4's from whats left of an old shed floor that I had torn down, they where slightly worse from wear havng several nails as well as some minor surface rot. After about an hour of removing nails and planing the board edges I  had some decent boards for building that didn't cost me a dime. Yesterday I was able to finish the base of the rectangular box, the dimensions will be 4 foot wide by 8 feet long by 3 feet high, plenty big for a few broilers.
        Today is the third day of incubation and we are hoping to be able to candle them in a few more days. Candling is the process of shining a bright light onto the egg to see whats on the inside. Chickens take 21 days to hatch. on the second day the embryo's have a tiny heart, by the third day it has a head and tiny wings and eyes, and by seven days it has all the features of a chicken only tiny and undeveloped.
I can't see anything yet, will check again in a few days

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